Health Equity and Hospitals: The Gap Between Regulations and Reality

Social determinants of health (SDOH) have long been known to have a greater effect on a person’s health than their medical care.

Since 2010, the Affordable Care Act has required not-for-profit hospitals to conduct a community health needs assessment (CHNA) once every three years to develop strategies to meet identified needs. The CHNA imposed structure on what many hospitals were already doing: addressing needs within their community by partnering with like-minded organizations.

More recently, The Joint Commission (TJC) and The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) have set forth hospital requirements for addressing health equity. TJC has several requirements for hospitals including data for use in stratification of patient populations: age, gender, preferred language, race, and ethnicity. These data are already available in structured data in the electronic health record (EHR), though perhaps requiring staff training to improve data capture accuracy for these elements. Additional data elements to be gathered include sexual orientation, gender identity and disabilities.

The Joint Commission also states that the organization should assess the patient’s health-related social needs (HRSN) and provide information about community resources and support services. While they state that the organization can determine which health-related social needs to include in the patient assessment, they provide the following examples:

  • Access to transportation

  • Difficulty paying for prescriptions or medical bills

  • Education and literacy

  • Food insecurity

  • Housing insecurity

They also note that health-related social needs may be identified for a representative sample of the organization’s patients or for all the organization’s patients, and for other indicators.

CMS’s data gathering requirements are much more specific. Reporting is voluntary in 2023 and becomes mandatory in 2024, with standardized individual-level demographic and SDOH data, including race, ethnicity, language, gender identity, gender, sexual orientation, disability status, and SDOH. The SDOH require surveying inpatients for five factors: food insecurity, housing instability, transportation needs, utility difficulties, and interpersonal safety. Asking about SDOH, gender identity and sexual orientation can be sensitive, particularly in smaller communities.

“We’re a small community. Even though staff are bound by HIPAA and professional confidentiality, patients won’t feel comfortable talking about their sexual orientation or housing insecurity with a staff member. We’ll get “check the box” answers on those, for sure.”

Director of Quality

CMS is not requiring a particular survey tool but has developed a Health-Related Social Needs Screening Tool (HRSN). This tool addresses the five required SDOH measures. In the final version, CMS also included questions in 8 supplemental domains:

  • Financial strain

  • Employment

  • Family and community support

  • Education

  • Physical activity

  • Substance use

  • Mental health

  • Disabilities

The questions in the HRSN survey about housing insecurity raise the question of what can be done by a hospital once this information is uncovered. Referral to community agencies is advised.

1. What is your living situation today?

  • I have a steady place to live

  • I have a place to live today, but I am worried about losing it in the future

  • I do not have a steady place to live (I am temporarily staying with others, in a hotel, in a shelter, living outside on the street, on a beach, in a car, abandoned building, bus or train station, or in a park)

2. Think about the place you live. Do you have problems with any of the following?


  • Pests such as bugs, ants, or mice

  • Mold

  • Lead paint or pipes

  • Lack of heat

  • Oven or stove not working

  • Smoke detectors missing or not working

  • Water leaks

  • None of the above

“We just don’t have enough hours in the day for our social workers or nurses to do this screening in the way that it needs to be done. And when we ask what we can, what do we do about their answers? Referring people for help sounds simple, but our referral network can’t accommodate all of these people and their very real problems.”

Hospital VP Quality

Patients can be provided with a paper or electronic form to complete before a visit so that the practitioner can later review during the visit. Since many hospital admissions are urgent or emergent, this will not be a viable approach for many patients who may be too ill to participate. While a significant other could complete the form, they won’t admit that they’ve been ignoring an elderly parent or abusing their intimate partner. Also, many patients are reluctant to answer sensitive questions, even on a faceless form.

Alternatively, a practitioner can screen in-person or by phone in elective situations. However, this is not an exercise that can be delegated to the untrained if the goal is to get honest answers to the questions from the patient.

Effective screening is clearly more complicated than asking patients questions. At IHM, we believe that census tract data both at the community and patient level combined with EHR data can serve as a “better together” strategy for evaluating patient survey data. With more data, clinical and community program outcomes can be measured. For example, what is the effect on Hemoglobin A1C and body mass index (BMI) in patient populations from communities with weight control/activity programs?

Hospitals can’t offer every service needed in their communities, but by leading and participating in coalitions with other local organizations and focusing on critical community needs, much good work is possible. Most importantly, effects can be measured, justifying program expansion and grant funding.

Additional resources:

The American Hospital Association (AHA) has developed specific recommendations for data collection, leadership and governance and community partnerships to further cultural competency and health equity.

Nationally standardized and stakeholder-driven, the Protocol for Responding to & Assessing Patients’ Assets, Risks & Experiences (PRAPARE) is designed to equip healthcare and their community partners to better understand and act on individuals’ social drivers of health (SDOH). Available in 25 languages.

About the Institute for Health Metrics (IHM)

For over a decade, the Institute for Health Metrics (IHM) has been an innovator in using real-world data (RWD) for healthcare research, creating the first SaaS Meaningful Use reporting system as well as insightsDB™, a purpose built, HIPAA compliant, cloud data platform. IHM data- including clinical detail, unstructured notes, and Social Determinants of Health for studying outcomes and comparative effectiveness- represents community hospitals from across the United States, a unique population often under-represented in medical literature and clinical trials. IHM enables healthcare organizations to create better outcomes through the use of better data. For more information, visit or contact